Recent Events and Photos
The best place to see photos of our most recent events is the Vintage Vehicle Club Australia Facebook Page, where our members share photos from recent outings and you can also check current events and updates on upcoming events.
Would you like to attend an event and meet some of our members?
We welcome guests at our monthly meetings and also at our events and drive days. If you would like to come along to an event please get in touch for more details.
Our upcoming events are published in our monthly Vintage Torque Member's Magazine.
If you own a Vintage Car (built 1919-1930) and are interested in joining our club. You are welcome to come along to any of our meetings or outings to see what we're all about. Please get in touch.
Old Government House Display Day – 16th July, 2023
Around forty Members rolled up to display their vehicles in the forecourt of Old Government House in Parramatta on a cool crisp Sunday morning. We also welcomed some members of the Model A Ford club to join our display.
After morning tea, served in the tea room inside the House, members were invited to tour the House in two groups to enable half our group to remain with the vehicles and chat to the public visitors. The tour guide was very knowledgeable and made the tour most enjoyable. We not only learned about the House, and it’s various makeovers over the years, but also about many of it’s occupants as well.
Outside, public visitors were extremely interested in the vehicles, and the owners enjoyed chatting and answering questions all day. A hearty lunch of gourmet sandwiches, wraps and fresh fruit was served in the grounds and shortly after that, dark clouds rolled in and a few members with open vehicles either bolted for home or tried to cover their cars. Suddenly we were in the midst of a very heavy downpour! The rain soon passed and we packed up and headed home around 2:30pm.
Big thank you to the staff and volunteers at Old Government House for being so helpful, and making the whole club feel so very welcome. We will Be back!
Morning Tea Get-Together - November 22nd, 2020
Around 30 members and guests gathered at Bi-Centennial Park, Homebush for morning tea and a long overdue catch up. It was great to see 12 vintage vehicles out and about for the first time in many months. We all parked together in the carpark and as our usual shelter shed was occupied we set up our picnic chairs and tables in the shade of the trees behind our vehicles. It was a great morning, very relaxed, and we broke camp around 10:30 to get home before the day became very hot.
Below are a sample of a few past Club events with videos you're welcome to check out.
27th Annual Tour - September 2005
A seven minute video of the people, the places and the cars that went on the VVCA's 27th Annual Tour. The tour covered almost 2000 kilometres, starting in Berrima on September 3rd, 2005, travelling through Queenbeyan, Young, Griffith, Yarrawonga, Bendigo, Bright, Tumut and ending in Moss Vale on Sept 15th, 2005. Created from many old photos!
A Year of Vintage Motoring - 2017
Five minute video of the monthly events the club enjoyed during 2017.
A Year of Vintage Motoring - 2019
Five minute video of the monthly events the club enjoyed during 2019