Our Club Newsletter
"Vintage Torque" is the official newsletter of our club, and is published monthly.
Its full of news, views and opinions on what's happening at the club.
It tells you what's coming up, swap meets, meetings and outings and the like.
It contains a Classified section where members can sell parts and cars or seek parts for their car.
It has stories on members cars and our outings.
Tips on repairs and restoration of your car.
It is distributed to you by snail mail or by email.
Want to Subscribe?
If you're a member and not receiving your copy of Vintage Torque, please submit your details via the form below with a request to subscribe or update your contact details.
Want to Contribute?
The Editor welcomes articles, reports, and classified advertisements from members for inclusion in Vintage Torque. If you would like to contribute anything, have an advertisement to submit or have any queries regarding the newsletter, please contact us via the form below or write to:
The Editor, VVCA, 174 Queens Rd, Fivedock, NSW 2046